These are the expectations our ministry staff, volunteers, and guest adhere to while ministering to students on our Columbus campuses:
All staff members and their guests holding/attending events on campus are reported directly to the university.
Only staff and student leaders are allowed to directly disciple/minister in the constraints of what Chi Alpha considers that to be. This Chi Alpha ministry includes, but not limited to, 1on1 student meetings, speaking on behalf of the ministry, and leading bible study gatherings.
Student leaders are students who have proven trustworthy and passionate of the ministry occurring. They are all, and will only ever be, actively enrolled students of the university community.
Our weekly bible studies (held on campus & off campus) are gender specific led by the same gender staff or student leader only. We prioritize every bible study to have two leaders per.
Co-Ed bible studies can occur and will only ever be held on campus. They will only have either two Co-Ed student leaders leading or one to two staff members leading.
We frown on non-college age students attending our bible studies. Those older people who ask to attend must first visit a weekly service and meet our staff directly before they are permitted to attend a bible study.
Staff will request help from volunteers for larger social events when it helps for the staff/students/student leaders to focus on talking directly to attending students. For example, volunteers will be asked to come to do setup/teardown and stocking drinks/snacks.
All volunteers are asked to complete a background check prior to assisting on campus. We offer Life Way Criminal Background Checks for them or we accept a church’s background check on an individual if already completed.
Staff will invite guest pastors each school year to preach at our weekly services on topics the staff chooses ahead of time. The only pastors invited are those that are already credentialed with our denomination, the Assemblies of God. All credentialed pastors have completed background checks and been vetted through the denomination. Staff and our student leaders are the only others allowed to preach.
Staff may arrange a professional guest speaker to come teach and share about their profession (ex: mental health or domestic abuse professional). These guests are only permitted to speak on their specific topic without theological input.